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For 2013

Travel Information


I2MTC attendees will be flying into MSP. (Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

Information for getting around Minneapolis can be found here.

Information about the Light Rail service can be found here.

Graduate Student Panel Discussion


The Graduate Student Panel Discussion will be held at I2MTC 2013 on Wednesday, May 8, 1:30-3:30 in the Charles Frost Room.  Please contact Erik Timpson for more information.



Tutorials at the I2MTC 2013 conference will be held on Monday, May 6.  The Tutorial Program is part of the conference.  No extra fees will be collected.  If you only want a day pass for Tutorials, that is available for $300 before May 1, 2013 and $350 from May 1 on.

Registration will open at 7:30 am in the Winter Garden.

Tutorials At A Glance

Session 1 - 8:30 am - 10:00 am

Measurement Basics

Alessandro Ferrero
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy

"Measurement Fundamentals"

Alessandro Ferrero PhotoAlessandro Ferrero (M’88–SM’96–F’99) was born in Milan, Italy, in 1954. He received his degree in electrical engineering from the Politecnico di Milano in 1978. He is Full Professor of electrical and electronic measurements at Politecnico di Milano.

His current research interests include the application of digital methods to electrical measurements, measurements on electric power systems under nonsinusoidal conditions, and metrology.

Prof. Ferrero has been the President of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurements Society for the 2008 – 2009 term. He is the recipient of the 2006 Joseph F. Keithley IEEE Field Award for Instrumentation and Measurement. He is Foreign Member of the Class of Technical Sciences of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.

Biomedical Measurements

Yingbo Li and Greg Carpenter
Boston Scientific, Minneapolis, MN, USA

"MRI Conditional Safe Active Implantable Medical Device Testing"

Yingbo Li

Dr. Yingbo Li, Principal Scientist at Boston Scientific, joined the company’s  Cardiac Rhythm Management Division in 2006 after 6 years at 3M.
Her research is currently focusing on MRI-pace generator interactions and mitigations.  Her expertise includes MRI compatibility testing and tissue simulant at RF frequency. 

Greg Carpenter (BS’87) is an electrical engineer with 25 years of medical industry experience. He is a research fellow at the cardiac rhythm management division of Boston Scientific/Guidant Corporation since 2001. He is an active participant in the joint ISO TC150/SC6/JWG2 and IEC SC62B/JWG1 standards working group responsible for development of ISO/TS 10974:2012 AIMD-MRI Safety Assessment technical specification. His current research interests include MRI compatibility of implanted devices, implanted and near patient sensors, energy harvesting and wireless telemetry design for medical systems. He has done research, design, and product development for various medical diagnostic instrumentation platforms including blood glucose and coagulation monitoring while at Roche Diagnostics/Boehringer Mannheim Corporation from 1991-2000. Prior to this, he worked on design and development of miniaturized industrial and medical sensors from 1988-1991 at HEI, Inc. He holds 10 patents, has 1 publication and is a member of IEEE and ISMRM.



Large System Measurements

Dr. Massoud Amin
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

"Toward Smart, Secure and Resilient Power and Energy Infrastructures: Controls and Dynamical Systems Challenges and Opportunities"

Dr. Massoud Amin witnessed the 1977 NYC blackout, the 9/11 tragedies in DC/VA, and the collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis. He works on enabling smarter, more secure and resilient infrastructures. He is leading extensive R&D efforts in smart grids and infrastructure security and is a leading expert on the U.S. electricity grid. Before becoming the Honeywell/H.W. Sweatt Chair in Technological Leadership, a professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, and a University Distinguished Teaching Professor at the University of Minnesota, he directed all Infrastructure Security R&D after 9/11, Grid Operations/Planning, Energy Markets, Risk and Policy Assessment at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in Palo Alto. Prior to 9/11 he served as head of mathematics and information sciences at EPRI, pioneered R&D in "smart grid" and coined the term in 1998, and led the development of 24 technologies transferred to industry. He is considered the father of the smart grid.
At the University of Minnesota’s he leads a team of 5 endowed chairs and 47 senior faculty members, government leaders and industry executives at the Technological Leadership Institute (TLI), who develop local and global leaders for technology enterprises.  Dr. Amin is a member of Academy of Distinguished Teachers at the University, where he teaches/researches in complex dynamical systems, smart grids, pivotal and emerging technologies, S&T policy, and critical infrastructure security.
In his leading work on technological infrastructure and security, Prof. Amin has contributed to projects with the United States Air Force, NASA-Ames, Rockwell International, McDonnell Douglas, Boeing, MEMC, ESCO, Systems and Electronics Inc., United Van Lines, our 94% of our nation's electric power industry, the government, universities and other stakeholders including U.S. DOD, DOE, NSF, NAE, NGA, OHS/DHS, and the White House OSTP.

Dr. Amin is the author/co-author of over 200 peer-reviewed articles and the editor of 7 collections of manuscripts. Board appointments include the Board of Directors of the Texas RE (2010-present), Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment (BICE) at the U.S. National Academy of Engineering (2001-2007), and the Board on Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BMSA) at the National Academy of Sciences (2006-2009). He is a fellow of the ASME, a senior member of IEEE, founding chairman of IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter, and founding chairman of the IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Smart Grids. He was three times Professor of the Year at Washington University in St. Louis (1992-1995), received the 2002 President's Award for the Infrastructure Security Initiative at EPRI, and twice received the Chauncey Award, the Institute's highest honor. For more information, please seehttp://umn.edu/~amin

Measurement Topics

Franklin Bost
Virginia Commonwealth Univeristy, USA

"Early Stage Invention Essentials"

L. Franklin Bost has significant industry experience in strategic planning, new product development, and senior management positions with P&L responsibility in medical, consumer and industrial companies. He is Professor of the Practice and Executive Director of Design Instruction in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University. Professor Bost is Executive Director of the new Master of Biomedical Innovation and Development (BioID) Program and oversees the second year, Projects in Biomedical Engineering course, the BME Capstone Design courses. Bost is Director for Education and Outreach of the Translational Research Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Science (TRIBES) at Georgia Tech, and Director of Educational Programs for the Atlanta Pediatric Device Consortium (APDC).

Bost is also President and Chief Executive Officer of SpherIngenics, Inc., a company focused on stem cell delivery technologies for enhancement of therapeutic and reconstructive tissue applications. Previously, he was President of Porex Surgical Inc., which developed and manufactured implantable biomaterial products for craniofacial trauma, cancer reconstruction and soft tissue augmentation. Porex Surgical provided implantable devices to surgeons in craniofacial, oculoplastic, reconstructive, ENT, OMF, and neurosurgery in the USA and over 50 international countries. Previously, Mr. Bost held management and development positions with Porex Corporation, Becton Dickinson & Co. and American Hospital Supply. He serviced on AdvaMed’s Technology and Regulatory committee from 1994 to 2006.

Bost holds an MBA from the University of North Carolina and Bachelor of Product Design degree from North Carolina State University.

Session 2 - 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Measurement Basics

Simona Salicone
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy

"The Theory of Evidence:  A New Mathematical Approach to Represent Measurement Results and Their Uncertainties"

Simona SaliconeSimona Salicone (S’01, M’05) was born in Milan, Italy, and received her M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, in 2000, and her Ph.D degree in electrical engineering from the same university, in 2004. Since 2005 she has been an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Electronic Measurements at the same university.
She is a member of the Italian Association for Electrical and Electronic Measurements (GMEE).
The scientific activity of Dr. Salicone is concerned with the area of digital signal processing and with the metrological characterization of measurement systems based on complex algorithms.
Her main research activity deals with the study of advanced mathematical methods for the evaluation and propagation of measurement uncertainty. In particular, she studied the  mathematical theory of evidence, a more general theory than the well known probability theory, generally used as the mathematical support for measurement uncertainty.
This work and the results attained by this research activity have been synthesized, beyond the  many published papers, also in a scientific monography published in English by Springer Publisher. Thanks to this research activity, Simona Salicone is the recipient of the 2004 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Outstanding Young Engineer Award, with the following motivation: "In recognition of contributions to measurement uncertainty theory".

Biomedical Measurements

Nachiket Kharalkar
National Instruments, USA

"Demystifying RF Measurements" 

Nachiket KharalkarNachiket received the degrees of Master of Science & Doctorate of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer engineering (Major: Biomedical engineering) from The University of Texas at Austin. His doctoral research was focused on the assessment of vulnerable plaque using thermal properties. At UT Austin Nachiket has designed and taught sophomore level “Introduction to micro-controllers” course. He has been working for National Instruments as a Systems Engineer in the Life Sciences segment, since October 2011. He is a Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer, with over 10 years of experience using various NI products. At NI he has been involved in developing hardware and software reference architectures for medical devices. Nachiket has experience developing test systems for implantable RF devices. He has also worked on assisting customers in developing applications for regulated market.

Measurement Topics

John P. Abraham
University of Saint Thomas, St. Paul, MN, USA

"Climate Science I&M"

Dr. John Abraham is an Associate Professor of Thermal Sciences at the University of St. Thomas.  His research areas include the creation of renewable power sources for the developing world and climate monitoring.  Among his current projects are efforts to develop wind-power systems to provide electricity to off-grid cellular communication towers throughout the world.  Additionally, he works on ocean temperature monitoring using deep-sea instruments called expendable bathythermographs.  Dr. Abraham has approximately 80 journal, book, or patent publications and approximately 90 conference presentations.


Session 3 - 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Magnetic Measurements

Ron Goldfarb
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Boulder, CO, USA

"Force at a Distance: Magnetic Materials and Measurements"

Ron GoldfarbRon is leader of the Magnetics Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, Colorado. His doctorate is in physics, but he also has academic degrees in materials science, electrical engineering, and business administration. 

He supervises research in magnetodynamics, spin electronics, microsystems, and biomagnetic imaging. His own research has concentrated on magnetic instrumentation and characterization of magnetic and superconducting materials. 

He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). For many years he served as editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. He is the founder and editor of IEEE Magnetics Letters. He is also an editor of the Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Non-Linear RF Measurements

Wendy Van Moer
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium

"Measuring and characterizing nonlinear RF systems"

Wendy Van MoerWendy Van Moer (S’97–M’01–SM’07) was born in Belgium in 1974 and received the M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering from  the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, in 1997 and 2001, respectively.

She is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Measurement (ELEC), VUB , and a visiting Professor at the Department of Electronics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Gävle, Sweden.

In 2010, she became the head of the research group Medical Measurements and Signal Analysis (M2ESA). Her main research interests are nonlinear measurement and modeling techniques for medical and high-frequency applications. She has published over 100 related conference/peer reviewed journal articles.

Dr. Van Moer was the recipient of the 2006 Outstanding Young Engineer Award from the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society. Since 2007, she has been an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. She was the recipient of the 2010 and 2011 Outstanding Associate Editor Recognition. In 2010, she became an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.

She was one of the Technical Program Co-Chairs of the 2010 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Conference and a co-Guest Editor of the I2MTC 2010 Special Issue.

In 2012, she was elected as a member of the administrative committee of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement society for a 4-year term.

Measurement Systems

Roger Montague
Measurement Engineering, Minneapolis, MN, USA

"Test System Design I"

Roger E. Montague, PE started getting “real world” data in to and out of computers during the age of the “Mini-Computer.  He has built many years of experience in systems design, software development and integration of product test and process automation systems. Roger has worked in the automotive, chemical and fluid power industries in addition to the medical device world. Roger is a registered electrical engineer and is certified as a systems engineer and project manager.


Measurement Topics

Veronica Scotti
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy

"Forensic Metrology"

Veronica Scotti is a registered lawyer in Milan, Italy. She received her degree in law from the Catholic University of Piacenza, Piacenza, Italy, in 2000, and she has been a registered lawyer in Milan since 2003. She is a contract professor of Legal Implications of the Engineering Profession at Politecnico di Milano. Her practice focuses on commercial contracts, construction and engineering, environment, and quality assurance. Due to her long collaboration with engineering faculty, she has built a solid background on legal-technical issues that is extremely useful in handling disputes involving complex technical problems. Her research interests relate to the analysis of the relationship between measurement activities and metrology and the regulation field, with particular concern to the legal implications of an incorrect specification of measurement uncertainty.

Session 4 - 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Magnetic Measurements

Joe Davies
NVE Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN, USA

"Thin-film magnetic device characterization in a production environment"

Joe DaviesJoe Davies has worked as a physicist at NVE Corporation in Eden Prairie, MN since March of 2009.  His main focus at NVE is the early stage research and development of novel magnetic sensor and memory technologies with an emphasis on magneto-elastic and perpendicular anisotropy materials combined with giant- and tunneling magnetoresistance devices.  He was won several government and private contracts to facilitate this novel work and see it to production.  He is an active member of the IEEE Magnetics Society and partakes on the academic end of the magnetic materials community, having 18 academic publications and given many presentations on thin-film magnetic materials.  Prior to NVE, Joe was a National Research Council postdoctoral research fellow in the magnetic materials group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD where he worked on understanding the magnetization reversal behavior in perpendicular anisotropy and exchange spring magnet materials.  He earned his Ph.D. in physics in 2007 from the University of California – Davis.  Joe is a Minnesota native performing his undergraduate work at Hamline University in St. Paul, MN where he double majored in Physics and Mathematics while playing football. An internship at 3M while at Hamline can be attributed to Joe’s desire to pursue a career in applied and scientific research.  He currently lives in Bloomington, MN with his wife Kari and two children, Drew and Norah. Outside of work, Joe enjoys playing guitar, softball and golf.

Non-Linear RF Measurements

Niclas Björsell
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium

"Measuring and characterizing nonlinear RF systems"

Niclas Björsell (SM’ 12) was born in Falun, Sweden, in 1964. He received his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and his Lic. Ph. in Automatic control from Uppsala University, Sweden in 1994 and 1998, respectively. His Ph. D. in Telecommunication was received at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, in 2007.
He has several years of experience from research and development projects that fostered collaborations between industry and the academy. For more than 15 years he has hold positions in the academy as well as in industry. Between 2006 and 2009 he served as the head of Division of Electronics at the Department of Technology and Built Environment, University of Gävle, Sweden. He is currently associate professor at the University of Gävle and guest professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. He has published more than 50 papers in peer-review journals and conferences, and his research interests include radio frequency measurement technology, analog-to-digital conversion, and cognitive radio.

Dr. Björsell is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement and voting member of the IEEE, Instrumentation and Measurement, TC-10.

Measurement Systems

Roger Montague
Measurement Engineering, Minneapolis, MN, USA

"Test System Design II"

Roger E. Montague, PE started getting “real world” data in to and out of computers during the age of the “Mini-Computer.  He has built many years of experience in systems design, software development and integration of product test and process automation systems. Roger has worked in the automotive, chemical and fluid power industries in addition to the medical device world. Roger is a registered electrical engineer and is certified as a systems engineer and project manager.


Measurement Topics

Matthew Harker and Paul O'Leary
University of Leoben, Austria

"Discrete Polynomial Methods and their Application to Measurement Systems"

Matthew Harker obtained the B.Eng. degree in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Mechatronics from McGill University, Montreal, Canada, in 2003, and the Dr.mont. (Ph.D.) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Leoben, Leoben, Austria, in 2008. His doctoral thesis was on the topic of algebraic and geometric techniques for optimization in digital image based measurement systems (Metric Vision). His current area of research is in discrete numerical methods for the regularized solution of inverse problems that arise in the field of Metric Vision. He is currently a university assistant at the Institute for Automation at the Mining University of Leoben.


Paul O’Leary was born in 1960 in Limerick, Ireland. Her studied at Trinity College Dublin where he receivied a B.A. in mathematics and a B.A.I. in Electronic Engineering. He then studied at the Philips International Institute, in Eindhoven, Netherlands from where he received an M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering in 1984. he performed his Ph.D. studies with Prof. Maloberti at the University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy. He worked as a designer of integrated circuits at ITT Intermetall, Freiburg, Germany from 1984 to 1987. He then moved to Austria where he was in charge of analog integrated circuit development at Austria Micro Systems. In 1990 he founded the institute for Chemical and Optical Sensors at Joeneuem research, Graz Austria and in 1995 he received the Chair of Automation at the Mining University of Leoben he is director of this institute to this day. In 1996 he founded the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Sensor and Measurement Systems. His current research is primarily on discrete basis functions and their application to the solution of inverse problems. He also does research on embedded machine vision and cyber physical systems.




Tutorials at the I2MTC 2013 conference will be held on Monday, May 6.  The Tutorial Program is part of the conference.  No extra fees will be collected.  If you only want a day pass for Tutorials, that is available for $300 before May 1, 2013 and $350 from May 1 on.

Registration will open at 7:30 am in the Winter Garden.

Tutorials At A Glance (Shawn)

Session 1 - 8:30 am - 10:00 am

Measurement Basics

Alessandro Ferrero
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy

"Measurement Fundamentals"

Alessandro Ferrero PhotoAlessandro Ferrero (M’88–SM’96–F’99) was born in Milan, Italy, in 1954. He received his degree in electrical engineering from the Politecnico di Milano in 1978. He is Full Professor of electrical and electronic measurements at Politecnico di Milano.

His current research interests include the application of digital methods to electrical measurements, measurements on electric power systems under nonsinusoidal conditions, and metrology.

Prof. Ferrero has been the President of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurements Society for the 2008 – 2009 term. He is the recipient of the 2006 Joseph F. Keithley IEEE Field Award for Instrumentation and Measurement. He is Foreign Member of the Class of Technical Sciences of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.

Biomedical Measurements

Yingbo Li and Greg Carpenter
Boston Scientific, Minneapolis, MN, USA

"MRI Conditional Safe Active Implantable Medical Device Testing"

Yingbo Li

Dr. Yingbo Li, Principal Scientist at Boston Scientific, joined the company’s  Cardiac Rhythm Management Division in 2006 after 6 years at 3M.
Her research is currently focusing on MRI-pace generator interactions and mitigations.  Her expertise includes MRI compatibility testing and tissue simulant at RF frequency. 

Greg Carpenter (BS’87) is an electrical engineer with 25 years of medical industry experience. He is a research fellow at the cardiac rhythm management division of Boston Scientific/Guidant Corporation since 2001. He is an active participant in the joint ISO TC150/SC6/JWG2 and IEC SC62B/JWG1 standards working group responsible for development of ISO/TS 10974:2012 AIMD-MRI Safety Assessment technical specification. His current research interests include MRI compatibility of implanted devices, implanted and near patient sensors, energy harvesting and wireless telemetry design for medical systems. He has done research, design, and product development for various medical diagnostic instrumentation platforms including blood glucose and coagulation monitoring while at Roche Diagnostics/Boehringer Mannheim Corporation from 1991-2000. Prior to this, he worked on design and development of miniaturized industrial and medical sensors from 1988-1991 at HEI, Inc. He holds 10 patents, has 1 publication and is a member of IEEE and ISMRM.



Large System Measurements

Dr. Massoud Amin
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

"Toward Smart, Secure and Resilient Power and Energy Infrastructures: Controls and Dynamical Systems Challenges and Opportunities"

Dr. Massoud Amin witnessed the 1977 NYC blackout, the 9/11 tragedies in DC/VA, and the collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis. He works on enabling smarter, more secure and resilient infrastructures. He is leading extensive R&D efforts in smart grids and infrastructure security and is a leading expert on the U.S. electricity grid. Before becoming the Honeywell/H.W. Sweatt Chair in Technological Leadership, a professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, and a University Distinguished Teaching Professor at the University of Minnesota, he directed all Infrastructure Security R&D after 9/11, Grid Operations/Planning, Energy Markets, Risk and Policy Assessment at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in Palo Alto. Prior to 9/11 he served as head of mathematics and information sciences at EPRI, pioneered R&D in "smart grid" and coined the term in 1998, and led the development of 24 technologies transferred to industry. He is considered the father of the smart grid.
At the University of Minnesota’s he leads a team of 5 endowed chairs and 47 senior faculty members, government leaders and industry executives at the Technological Leadership Institute (TLI), who develop local and global leaders for technology enterprises.  Dr. Amin is a member of Academy of Distinguished Teachers at the University, where he teaches/researches in complex dynamical systems, smart grids, pivotal and emerging technologies, S&T policy, and critical infrastructure security.
In his leading work on technological infrastructure and security, Prof. Amin has contributed to projects with the United States Air Force, NASA-Ames, Rockwell International, McDonnell Douglas, Boeing, MEMC, ESCO, Systems and Electronics Inc., United Van Lines, our 94% of our nation's electric power industry, the government, universities and other stakeholders including U.S. DOD, DOE, NSF, NAE, NGA, OHS/DHS, and the White House OSTP.

Dr. Amin is the author/co-author of over 200 peer-reviewed articles and the editor of 7 collections of manuscripts. Board appointments include the Board of Directors of the Texas RE (2010-present), Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment (BICE) at the U.S. National Academy of Engineering (2001-2007), and the Board on Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BMSA) at the National Academy of Sciences (2006-2009). He is a fellow of the ASME, a senior member of IEEE, founding chairman of IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter, and founding chairman of the IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Smart Grids. He was three times Professor of the Year at Washington University in St. Louis (1992-1995), received the 2002 President's Award for the Infrastructure Security Initiative at EPRI, and twice received the Chauncey Award, the Institute's highest honor. For more information, please seehttp://umn.edu/~amin

Measurement Topics

Franklin Bost
Virginia Commonwealth Univeristy, USA

"Early Stage Invention Essentials"

L. Franklin Bost has significant industry experience in strategic planning, new product development, and senior management positions with P&L responsibility in medical, consumer and industrial companies. He is Professor of the Practice and Executive Director of Design Instruction in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University. Professor Bost is Executive Director of the new Master of Biomedical Innovation and Development (BioID) Program and oversees the second year, Projects in Biomedical Engineering course, the BME Capstone Design courses. Bost is Director for Education and Outreach of the Translational Research Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Science (TRIBES) at Georgia Tech, and Director of Educational Programs for the Atlanta Pediatric Device Consortium (APDC).

Bost is also President and Chief Executive Officer of SpherIngenics, Inc., a company focused on stem cell delivery technologies for enhancement of therapeutic and reconstructive tissue applications. Previously, he was President of Porex Surgical Inc., which developed and manufactured implantable biomaterial products for craniofacial trauma, cancer reconstruction and soft tissue augmentation. Porex Surgical provided implantable devices to surgeons in craniofacial, oculoplastic, reconstructive, ENT, OMF, and neurosurgery in the USA and over 50 international countries. Previously, Mr. Bost held management and development positions with Porex Corporation, Becton Dickinson & Co. and American Hospital Supply. He serviced on AdvaMed’s Technology and Regulatory committee from 1994 to 2006.

Bost holds an MBA from the University of North Carolina and Bachelor of Product Design degree from North Carolina State University.

Session 2 - 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Measurement Basics

Simona Salicone
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy

"The Theory of Evidence:  A New Mathematical Approach to Represent Measurement Results and Their Uncertainties"

Simona SaliconeSimona Salicone (S’01, M’05) was born in Milan, Italy, and received her M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, in 2000, and her Ph.D degree in electrical engineering from the same university, in 2004. Since 2005 she has been an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Electronic Measurements at the same university.
She is a member of the Italian Association for Electrical and Electronic Measurements (GMEE).
The scientific activity of Dr. Salicone is concerned with the area of digital signal processing and with the metrological characterization of measurement systems based on complex algorithms.
Her main research activity deals with the study of advanced mathematical methods for the evaluation and propagation of measurement uncertainty. In particular, she studied the  mathematical theory of evidence, a more general theory than the well known probability theory, generally used as the mathematical support for measurement uncertainty.
This work and the results attained by this research activity have been synthesized, beyond the  many published papers, also in a scientific monography published in English by Springer Publisher. Thanks to this research activity, Simona Salicone is the recipient of the 2004 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Outstanding Young Engineer Award, with the following motivation: "In recognition of contributions to measurement uncertainty theory".

Biomedical Measurements

Nachiket Kharalkar
National Instruments, USA

"Demystifying RF Measurements" 

Nachiket KharalkarNachiket received the degrees of Master of Science & Doctorate of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer engineering (Major: Biomedical engineering) from The University of Texas at Austin. His doctoral research was focused on the assessment of vulnerable plaque using thermal properties. At UT Austin Nachiket has designed and taught sophomore level “Introduction to micro-controllers” course. He has been working for National Instruments as a Systems Engineer in the Life Sciences segment, since October 2011. He is a Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer, with over 10 years of experience using various NI products. At NI he has been involved in developing hardware and software reference architectures for medical devices. Nachiket has experience developing test systems for implantable RF devices. He has also worked on assisting customers in developing applications for regulated market.

Measurement Topics

John P. Abraham
University of Saint Thomas, St. Paul, MN, USA

"Climate Science I&M"

Dr. John Abraham is an Associate Professor of Thermal Sciences at the University of St. Thomas.  His research areas include the creation of renewable power sources for the developing world and climate monitoring.  Among his current projects are efforts to develop wind-power systems to provide electricity to off-grid cellular communication towers throughout the world.  Additionally, he works on ocean temperature monitoring using deep-sea instruments called expendable bathythermographs.  Dr. Abraham has approximately 80 journal, book, or patent publications and approximately 90 conference presentations.


Session 3 - 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Magnetic Measurements

Ron Goldfarb
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Boulder, CO, USA

"Force at a Distance: Magnetic Materials and Measurements"

Ron GoldfarbRon is leader of the Magnetics Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, Colorado. His doctorate is in physics, but he also has academic degrees in materials science, electrical engineering, and business administration. 

He supervises research in magnetodynamics, spin electronics, microsystems, and biomagnetic imaging. His own research has concentrated on magnetic instrumentation and characterization of magnetic and superconducting materials. 

He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). For many years he served as editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. He is the founder and editor of IEEE Magnetics Letters. He is also an editor of the Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Non-Linear RF Measurements

Wendy Van Moer
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium

"Measuring and characterizing nonlinear RF systems"

Wendy Van MoerWendy Van Moer (S’97–M’01–SM’07) was born in Belgium in 1974 and received the M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering from  the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, in 1997 and 2001, respectively.

She is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Measurement (ELEC), VUB , and a visiting Professor at the Department of Electronics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Gävle, Sweden.

In 2010, she became the head of the research group Medical Measurements and Signal Analysis (M2ESA). Her main research interests are nonlinear measurement and modeling techniques for medical and high-frequency applications. She has published over 100 related conference/peer reviewed journal articles.

Dr. Van Moer was the recipient of the 2006 Outstanding Young Engineer Award from the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society. Since 2007, she has been an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. She was the recipient of the 2010 and 2011 Outstanding Associate Editor Recognition. In 2010, she became an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.

She was one of the Technical Program Co-Chairs of the 2010 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Conference and a co-Guest Editor of the I2MTC 2010 Special Issue.

In 2012, she was elected as a member of the administrative committee of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement society for a 4-year term.

Measurement Systems

Roger Montague
Measurement Engineering, Minneapolis, MN, USA

"Test System Design I"

Roger E. Montague, PE started getting “real world” data in to and out of computers during the age of the “Mini-Computer.  He has built many years of experience in systems design, software development and integration of product test and process automation systems. Roger has worked in the automotive, chemical and fluid power industries in addition to the medical device world. Roger is a registered electrical engineer and is certified as a systems engineer and project manager.


Measurement Topics

Veronica Scotti
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy

"Forensic Metrology"

Veronica Scotti is a registered lawyer in Milan, Italy. She received her degree in law from the Catholic University of Piacenza, Piacenza, Italy, in 2000, and she has been a registered lawyer in Milan since 2003. She is a contract professor of Legal Implications of the Engineering Profession at Politecnico di Milano. Her practice focuses on commercial contracts, construction and engineering, environment, and quality assurance. Due to her long collaboration with engineering faculty, she has built a solid background on legal-technical issues that is extremely useful in handling disputes involving complex technical problems. Her research interests relate to the analysis of the relationship between measurement activities and metrology and the regulation field, with particular concern to the legal implications of an incorrect specification of measurement uncertainty.

Session 4 - 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Magnetic Measurements

Joe Davies
NVE Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN, USA

"Thin-film magnetic device characterization in a production environment"

Joe DaviesJoe Davies has worked as a physicist at NVE Corporation in Eden Prairie, MN since March of 2009.  His main focus at NVE is the early stage research and development of novel magnetic sensor and memory technologies with an emphasis on magneto-elastic and perpendicular anisotropy materials combined with giant- and tunneling magnetoresistance devices.  He was won several government and private contracts to facilitate this novel work and see it to production.  He is an active member of the IEEE Magnetics Society and partakes on the academic end of the magnetic materials community, having 18 academic publications and given many presentations on thin-film magnetic materials.  Prior to NVE, Joe was a National Research Council postdoctoral research fellow in the magnetic materials group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD where he worked on understanding the magnetization reversal behavior in perpendicular anisotropy and exchange spring magnet materials.  He earned his Ph.D. in physics in 2007 from the University of California – Davis.  Joe is a Minnesota native performing his undergraduate work at Hamline University in St. Paul, MN where he double majored in Physics and Mathematics while playing football. An internship at 3M while at Hamline can be attributed to Joe’s desire to pursue a career in applied and scientific research.  He currently lives in Bloomington, MN with his wife Kari and two children, Drew and Norah. Outside of work, Joe enjoys playing guitar, softball and golf.

Non-Linear RF Measurements

Niclas Björsell
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium

"Measuring and characterizing nonlinear RF systems"

Niclas Björsell (SM’ 12) was born in Falun, Sweden, in 1964. He received his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and his Lic. Ph. in Automatic control from Uppsala University, Sweden in 1994 and 1998, respectively. His Ph. D. in Telecommunication was received at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, in 2007.
He has several years of experience from research and development projects that fostered collaborations between industry and the academy. For more than 15 years he has hold positions in the academy as well as in industry. Between 2006 and 2009 he served as the head of Division of Electronics at the Department of Technology and Built Environment, University of Gävle, Sweden. He is currently associate professor at the University of Gävle and guest professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. He has published more than 50 papers in peer-review journals and conferences, and his research interests include radio frequency measurement technology, analog-to-digital conversion, and cognitive radio.

Dr. Björsell is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement and voting member of the IEEE, Instrumentation and Measurement, TC-10.

Measurement Systems

Roger Montague
Measurement Engineering, Minneapolis, MN, USA

"Test System Design II"

Roger E. Montague, PE started getting “real world” data in to and out of computers during the age of the “Mini-Computer.  He has built many years of experience in systems design, software development and integration of product test and process automation systems. Roger has worked in the automotive, chemical and fluid power industries in addition to the medical device world. Roger is a registered electrical engineer and is certified as a systems engineer and project manager.


Measurement Topics

Matthew Harker and Paul O'Leary
University of Leoben, Austria

"Discrete Polynomial Methods and their Application to Measurement Systems"

Matthew Harker obtained the B.Eng. degree in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Mechatronics from McGill University, Montreal, Canada, in 2003, and the Dr.mont. (Ph.D.) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Leoben, Leoben, Austria, in 2008. His doctoral thesis was on the topic of algebraic and geometric techniques for optimization in digital image based measurement systems (Metric Vision). His current area of research is in discrete numerical methods for the regularized solution of inverse problems that arise in the field of Metric Vision. He is currently a university assistant at the Institute for Automation at the Mining University of Leoben.


Paul O’Leary was born in 1960 in Limerick, Ireland. Her studied at Trinity College Dublin where he receivied a B.A. in mathematics and a B.A.I. in Electronic Engineering. He then studied at the Philips International Institute, in Eindhoven, Netherlands from where he received an M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering in 1984. he performed his Ph.D. studies with Prof. Maloberti at the University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy. He worked as a designer of integrated circuits at ITT Intermetall, Freiburg, Germany from 1984 to 1987. He then moved to Austria where he was in charge of analog integrated circuit development at Austria Micro Systems. In 1990 he founded the institute for Chemical and Optical Sensors at Joeneuem research, Graz Austria and in 1995 he received the Chair of Automation at the Mining University of Leoben he is director of this institute to this day. In 1996 he founded the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Sensor and Measurement Systems. His current research is primarily on discrete basis functions and their application to the solution of inverse problems. He also does research on embedded machine vision and cyber physical systems.




Platinum Patrons

    Boston Scientific 

A team with the passion, drive, and confidence to believe our innovative medical solutions can transform lives and improve the health of patients around the world.

Gold Patrons

 At Medtronic, we're committed to Innovating for life by pushing the boundaries of medical technology and changing the way the world treats chronic disease. To do that, we're thinking beyond products and beyond the status quo - to continually find more ways to help people live better, longer.
 Since 1976, National Instruments has equipped engineers and scientists with tools that accelerate productivity, innovation, and discovery. NI’s graphical system design approach provides an integrated software and hardware platform that simplifies development of any system that needs measurement and control. Engineers and scientists use this platform from design to production in multiple industries, advanced research, and academia. The company’s long-term vision and focus on improving society through its technology has led to strong, consistent company growth and success of its customers, employees, suppliers, and shareholders.

Silver Patrons

Established in 1974 in Taiwan, Instrument Technology Research Center of National Applied Research Laboratories, a government funded institute, endeavors to provide the industry, academia, and research bodies with instrument technology services over a specialized platform, which incorporates four main research dimensions, namely remote sensing instrument, biomedical instrument, green technology, and disaster prevention and rescue technology in contributing to the national science and technology policies of Taiwan as well as seeking international collaboration opportunities.



Poster Preparation Instructions


There will be a number of posters presented during the conference, exhibited at each poster session. In order to make these sessions run smoothly, some cooperation from you, as a poster exhibitor, is necessary. Please make sure your poster is put up before the start of the session and removed after it has ended. 

The placement of your poster will be marked on the panel, where it will be presented with the number of your poster contribution:  PS1A, PS1B, etc.
Look for your number in the conference program.

The recommended format is A0 portrait: 84.1 cm x 118.9 cm  (33.1 inch x 46.8 inch).  

Please include a 2 x 2 photo of the presenter in the upper right hand corner of the poster, and underline the name of the presenter in the author listing.

Your posters will be attached to the panel with push pins, which will already be available on the panel. (Double sided tape will also be available.)  If you need more pins, please contact the poster area proctor. After you have removed your poster, please leave pins on the board.


Visa Information


Most Canadian citizens and many citizens from Visa Waiver Program countries can come to the United States (U.S.) without a visa if they meet certain requirements. All Visa Waiver Program travelers must present a machine-readable passport at the U.S. port of entry to enter the U.S. without a visa; otherwise a U.S. visa is required. See important information about additional digital photograph and e-passport requirements for VWP travelers. Other foreign citizens will need a nonimmigrant visa.

Currently, 36 countries participate in the Visa Waiver Program, as shown below:



New Zealand









San Marino




Czech Republic








South Korea











the Netherlands

United Kingdom

Nonimmigrant visas are for international travelers (citizens of other countries), coming to the U.S. temporarily. The visa, placed in your passport when issued, allows you to travel to a U.S. port-of-entry (airport, for example) and request permission of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection immigration officer to enter the U.S. A visa does not guarantee entry into the U.S.

Advance planning can smooth the visa application process for you. Apply for your visa well in advance of your travel! You can determine your estimated application time by visiting http://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/wait/wait_4638.html

Review your visa status now to determine if you need a US visa or visa renewal and to find out how to schedule an interview appointment, pay fees, and other vital instructions.

Invitation Letters

You must first register for the conference before an invitation letter is issued.  During the Registration process, simply check "yes" when asked whether you need an invitation letter.  One will be automatically sent to you. 

Conference attendees require a Business Visitor Visa (B-1).

For additional information, please visit http://travel.state.gov/visa/

Women in Instrumentation and Measurement (WIM) Panel Discussion


In order to better meet the needs of our members and Conference attendees, I2MTC features special sessions on a variety of topics, including the “Women in Instrumentation and Measurement (WIM) Panel Discussion”. The WIM Panel is held annually at I2MTC, and this year will take place on Wednesday, May 8th, 2013, at 9:30am in the Charles Frost Room.  The 2013 Panel will feature guest speaker Dr. Kathleen Sheppard, an expert on Women in Science from Missouri University of Science and Technology.


For more information, or to inquire about serving as a Panelist, please contact Kristen Donnell at kristen.donnell@mst.edu.

Exhibitor Listing


Instrumentation Resources has been a manufacturer’s rep in the Upper Midwest since 1976 specializing in Sensors, Signal Conditioning, and Data Acquisition.  Instrumentation Resources services clients in a variety of Test & Process applications, including but not limited to the Medical, Educational, and Industrial accounts.  Our specialty is working with our clients to solve their most challenging engineering problems.
At Medtronic, we're committed to Innovating for life by pushing the boundaries of medical technology and changing the way the world treats chronic disease. To do that, we're thinking beyond products and beyond the status quo - to continually find more ways to help people live better, longer.
For more than 60 years, WIKA Instrument, LP has continuously advanced pressure gauge, pressure transmitter and temperature measurement instrumentation. As the global leader in lean manufacturing, WIKA offers a broad selection of stock and custom instrumentation solutions, which are often available for distribution within days. Producing more than 43 million pressure gauges, diaphragm seals, pressure transmitters and thermometers worldwide annually, WIKA’s extensive product line provides measurement solutions for any application.
         Lion Precision products help designers and engineers make difficult displacement measurements with high-resolution capacitive and eddy-current displacement sensors –  optimized for your application including custom designs if necessary. Industrial, micro- and nano-technology position and small high-speed motion are natural applications for these high-performance sensors. Sensors and experts to help you use them.
Rohde & Schwarz is an independent group of companies specializing in electronics.  It is a leading supplier of solutions in the fields of test and measurement, broadcasting, radiomonitoring and radiolocation, as well as secure communications.  Established over 80 years ago, Rohde & Schwarz has a global presence and international service network with ISO registrations and accreditations.   Company headquarters are in Munich, Germany
               DEWESoft, LLC., Whitehouse, OH, offers the SIRIUS line of data acquisition, featuring dual core auto-ranging 24-bit A/D per channel (160dB dynamic range) with anti-alias filtering and isolation, along with built-in signal conditioning for voltage, IEPE, strain, real-time counters, encoders and more.  Along with our aptly titled software package DEWESoft, we have SIRIUSly changed data acquisition!

Flow Technology recognized worldwide for providing high accuracy flow metering solutions, offers an unmatched flow measurement resource, including 50+ years experience solving the most difficult liquid and gas flow applications. We offer multiple flow technologies to provide you with the optimal solution: electromagnetic, turbine, ultrasonic and positive displacement. Flow Technology also calibrates all flow meter types in its ISO/IEC 17025 and ANSI Z540 accredited calibration lab.

Stellar Technology manufactures pressure transducers, load cells, temperature transducers, and displacement sensors used in test and measurement applications across a wide range of industries including aerospace, oil and gas, automotive, medical, and industrial automation and control. Stellar Technology couples innovative electronics with proven sensor technology to provide a range of sensor solutions unmatched in the industry. Our unique combination of design experience, manufacturing capability and application knowledge provides sensor solutions ranging from standard products to highly engineered custom products. 


Whether you need a small R&D LabVIEW application to gather and analyze measurement data or a full-fledged test or automation system — Saint Bernard Engineering has the experience to get the job done right. Our team members have advanced degrees (physics, EE, biomedical engineering) and 17 to 21 years development experience. With our one year software warranty, you can be confident in the quality we deliver. Visit our booth to learn more or check out www.saintbernardengineering.com.


Electro Rent Corporation provides electronic equipment for rental, lease, and sale. The company's portfolio consists of general purpose test and measurement instruments, electric and power test equipment, personal computers, and servers.  Electro Rent has over $650 Million in test equipment inventory for rent, lease or sale making it one of the largest vendors of rental test equipment. Electro Rent Corporation serves its customers through sales offices, and calibration and service centers in the United States, Canada, China, and Europe.

U.S. and international test equipment sales and rentals from the friendly professionals at Continental Resources, Inc. (ConRes), your authorized source for test equipment sales and rentals including oscilloscopes, signal generators, network and spectrum analyzers, wireless communications testers, field testing and general purpose test equipment. If you're an engineer in manufacturing, R&D, QC, design, field test, or education, you can rely on ConRes for test equipment with warranties and calibrated in our ISO-registered, NIST-traceable metrology lab.

Gantner Instruments is a leader in the development of flexible measurement and control systems targeted at test automation applications. By delivering high-speed, high-accuracy, distributed data acquisition, & control products required in today's demanding testing environments, such as engine testing, component testing, electric motor/battery testing, and long term fatigue/durability testing, Gantner Instruments is able to provide complete and open platform solutions for OEM's, systems integrators, and end users alike.


GP:50 has developed into a state of the art facility providing pressure instrumentation for industrial pressure application solutions in Aerospace, Melt pressure, Automotive test, Petrochemical, Sub-sea, Sanitary, & hydraulic & pneumatic control.

Since its founding, Dytran has built a solid 30 year industry reputation for trusted, field proven experience in the design and manufacture of sensors for dynamic testing. Today, Dytran's broad product line also includes single axis and triaxial DC MEMS style accelerometers utilizing state-of-the-art variable capacitance accelerometer sensing elements. The company continues to operate as a privately held, family owned business.
  Since 1976, National Instruments has equipped engineers and scientists with tools that accelerate productivity, innovation, and discovery. NI’s graphical system design approach provides an integrated software and hardware platform that simplifies development of any system that needs measurement and control. Engineers and scientists use this platform from design to production in multiple industries, advanced research, and academia. The company’s long-term vision and focus on improving society through its technology has led to strong, consistent company growth and success of its customers, employees, suppliers, and shareholders.
Transducers and Measurement Instuments, Inc. - Sales of sensors, signal-conditioning, environmental and data-acquisition equipment in the Midwest since 1987.